Our 16+ (Moving On) curriculum aims to develop the skills necessary to ensure a smooth transition from school to college and adult life. There is a strong emphasis on developing the skills necessary for independent living through personal and social development, key skills and applied and vocational learning.
Students are taught in small groups and are supported by learning guides as well as the class lead. Our high staffing ratio is based on the needs of the individuals within each group.
16+ has a study programme that is designed and organised so that all pupils attain a qualification in ‘Functional Skills.’ The Moving On curriculum values achievement, giving our students the confidence and skills to succeed through attaining externally assessed qualifications and internally verified achievements. The NOCN Functional Skills assessments enables our students to apply their literacy, numeracy, and digital knowledge in a practical manner. Students can progress through the different levels from Entry Level 1 through to Level 2; academically preparing them for their next stage in the education journey.
Students are supported in planning their transition from school to college through a comprehensive programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance. Students attend college taster courses on different campuses of Leeds City College, Henshaws College or an area of offsite learning appropriate to the individual student to aid transition from school.
Where appropriate, all students take part in work experience in school and work alongside our staff in different roles. Many students also take part in work experience at one of our school workshops or in the radio station, which have been set up to provide opportunities for our students in 16+ to experience real-life work experience placements. Some students also take part in work experience off site and are supported by staff who know them well to make work experience meaningful and successful.
Our Careers Lead is Janine Joyce.
Janine can be contacted at [email protected].
Preparation for work
We recognise that some of our students will thrive within the working world, whether it be in the voluntary sector or in paid employment, beyond our setting.
We see great value in participation in learning real-life skills, both for work and home, for all our students. Communication skills, problem-solving and collaborative working are extended through meaningful and age-appropriate activity and work experience projects such as:
- Workshop projects (village/ outdoor based): designing, producing, buying, and selling.
- Pop-up cafes and small-scale catering: shopping, cooking, and customer service.
- Horticulture and gardening: growing and selling produce.
- Preparation for Adulthood: personal hygiene, independent travel, household skills (use of 16+ life skills flat and bungalow).
- WeCanDoCo: our internal student led company which further promotes enterprise.
The school benefits from well-equipped specialist rooms – Art, Food Technology, Information Technology, Life skills, Radio station, WeCanDoCo workshops, Dance studio and gym. Our Interactive Zone allows students to experience and explore fantasy and real-life situations using immersive technology. We will also be adding an Exhibition Space to celebrate and promote 16+ Activities at Headingley Learning in September 2022.
Our students take part in learning outside the classroom in our extensive Outdoor Learning Zones which comprises of an outdoor eco-classroom, a large polytunnel, fruit growing zone, sensory zone and large allotment area allowing students to experience education outdoors and to be involved in growing and cultivating plants and vegetables which the pupils are encouraged to taste or use in their cooking or to sell as part of enterprise.
Pupils have set up a company called ‘WeCanDoCo’. Initiatives through this enterprise include designing and making a wide range of products and as well as growing a range of horticultural products. WeCanDoCo operates from school workshops at both Boston Spa and Woodhouse, which has been set up to provide an opportunity for pupils to experience a work-based learning environment where students can produce products for their enterprise projects using specialist printing and design equipment.
The school also benefits from being based in a thriving village setting at Boston Spa, where the school is well known, established, and supported over 40 years. The village provides a calm, safe environment in which to teach social skills, travel in the community etc. We use every opportunity to be involved in the local community through whole school celebrations at church, church coffee mornings, Farmers Markets, village events etc. as well as using the shops and facilities near our inner-city campus at Woodhouse and Headingley (Sept 2022).
Additional Support for 16+ students
We offer all our students a high level of support through our high staffing levels. Some students receive one to one support where appropriate for additional needs e.g., intervenors for the visually impaired. The school works closely with a range of professionals including health professionals, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists and education support services e.g., educational psychologists, specialist teachers for children who are visually impaired or deaf/hearing impaired.
The students develop their citizenship and global awareness through fundraising, charity events etc. We have a thriving School Council where students can experience and understand the democratic process and take part in decision making that will impact not only on themselves but the whole school community.
Students are encouraged to participate in an active and healthy lifestyle. They take part in a wide variety of physical activities which are planned to be appropriate for individual students.
Through a comprehensive and structured programme pupils are supported to develop the skills necessary to use transport to travel as independently as possible and appropriate.
Students take part in regular shopping sessions linked to the purchase of ingredients for Food Technology and snack, where they are encouraged to use their money skills, social skills and to engage with the local community.
Educational visits to a variety of venues are used to enhance and support the curriculum e.g., to places of interest, places of worship. Visitors are invited into school to support learning e.g., music groups, mobile farm, magical 7 activities etc. Students also take part in visits to local employers and businesses to develop vocational skills. Local employers are also encouraged to visit school and to deliver workshops. Some of these activities have been restricted due to the impact of COVID-19.
Examples Of WeCanDoCo Activities
WeCanDoCo 2012 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
WeCanDoCo 2018