Our Governing Body grew to 10 members from 1st December 2021, due to the expansion of the school. In addition, we have one associate governor.

We come from a variety of backgrounds and bring different skills and expertise, but we are all committed to ensuring that West Oaks provides a safe, happy learning environment and that our pupils receive the best education possible.

The Governors are responsible for:

  • ensuring that the visions, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined
  • ensuring that the senior leadership team performs their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school;
  • ensuring the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources.

The chair of the governing body is Ben Thaler, he can be contacted at [email protected]

Each year the governors are required to declare any relevant business and pecuniary interests.  This includes business interests in the school, financial interests, being a governor at another school, being related to another member of staff. All governors have voting rights.

All governors made a nil return with the exception of Ben Thaler – he is Director of Normanton Freeston Foundation Limited and Chair of Governors at Outwood Grange Academy – Freeston

Co-opted (appointed by the governing body)

Ben Thaler – 08/02/2022 – 30/09/2026

Term as Chair – 27/03/24 – 30/09/2026

Elaine Hampson (Vice Chair) 15/09/2021 – 30/09/2026

Term as Vice Chair 14/09/2022 – 30/09/2026

John Normington 01/12/2021 – 03/03/2025

Lynne Fickling 01/03/2022 – 28/02/2026

LA (1) (appointed by the LA)

Joy Boyce 12/06/2024-12/06/2028

Parents (3) (elected by parents of the school)

Chris Tolson – 06/12/2023 – 05/12/2027

Terence Karran 01/09/09/2021 – 01/09/2025

Mohammad Shan-A-Kuda 18/09/2024 – 18/09/2028


Andrew Hodkinson

Staff (1) (appointed by staff)

Katie Hurley  – 13/03/2019 – 10/03/2027

Committee Membership

Business Planning

Ben Thaler (Chair)

Andrew Hodkinson

Elaine Hampson

Lynne Fickling

Mohammad Shan-A-Khuda

Keeley Murray (In attendance)

John Hayton (Associate)

Simon Wilson (in attendance)

Liz Mason (In attendance/clerk)

Standards, Achievement and Safeguarding 

Elaine Hampson (Chair)

Andrew Hodkinson

Terence Karran

Katie Hurley

John Normington

Joy Boyce

Keeley Murray (in attendance)

Anna Stevens (in attendance)

Liz Mason (Clerk)

Premises and Health and Safety 

Chris Tolson (Chair)

Elaine Hampson

Katie Hurley

Andrew Hodkinson

Keeley Murray (in attendance)

Simon Wilson (in attendance)

Liz Mason (Clerk)

Headteacher Performance Management

Ben Thaler (Chair)

Elaine Hampson

Terence Karran

Pay Appeals Committe 

Chris Tolson

John Normington

Joy Boyce

Governor Responsibilities

Child Protection/Safeguarding  – Elaine Hampson

Pupil Attendance – John Normington

Children Looked After – Ben Thaler

Pupil premium- Terence Karran

PE and Sports premium – Ben Thaler

Equality – Terence Karran

EYFS – Elaine Hampson/Joy Boyce

Governor Training – Ben Thaler

Health and Safety – Elaine Hampson

Complaints – Ben Thaler/Elaine Hampson

Wellbeing – pupils and staff – Lynne Fickling/Joy Boyce

Cyber Security Link Governor – Chris Tolson

Website – Chris Tolson

Woodhouse Link Governor – Mohammad Shan-A Khuda

Boston Spa Link Governor- Chris Tolson

Headingley Link Governor – Terence Karran

Committee membership and meeting dates 

These are described in the attached


Governing Body Attendance 2022- 2023

West-Oaks School -GB-Attendance-2022 to 2023